Co-Presidents: Richard Catalano and Michael Daab
Vice President: Eileen Read
Treasurer: Debbie Sweeney
Secretary: Michael Daab
Richard Catalano
John Chiara
Michael Daab
Christine Dalmazio-Saponieri
Kristin Griffin
Michele Harrington
Dr. Louise Hess
Michael Maguire
Kerriann Patton-Gambino
Eileen Read
John Reilly
Daniel Rothschild
Debbie Sweeney
Michael Daab
Kimberly Pupke McGraw
Kevin Hegarty
Joseph Coletti
Donald Elustando
Michael Maguire
Eileen Read
Village Trustee: Michele Harrington
Board of Education Trustee: William O'Donahue
Village Boards & Commissions
If you are interested in volunteering for any of the Boards and Committees below, email volunteer@gardencityny.net
Civic Beautification Committee
Working with the Village Arborist, this Committee assists in selecting the type and placement of flowers and trees on the Village's many public properties and pursuing the long-held goal of making the Village an official arboretum
Estates Resident Member: Kathy Auro
Board of Commissioners of Cultural & Recreational Affairs
The Board oversee the development of the Village's Recreation Program.
This Board must have at least five members but can have up to eight members; one representative from each section of the Village and the rest (up to four) at-large members.
Estates Resident Members: Kristina Russo, Christian Siragusa
Environmental Advisory Board
This Board is responsible to the Village Board of Trustees and reports on environmental matters affecting the Village.
The Board can have at least six but not more than eight members appointed to four-year terms. The Board includes one member from each section of the Village; the others are at-large. The Chairperson is a member of the Board of Trustees. This Board can have up to three high school student volunteers as recommended by his/her principal.
Estates Resident Members: Michele Harrington (Co-Chair), John Reilly
Traffic Commission
This Commission is responsible for traffic control operations and devices. Requests for signs by residents related to quality-of-life issues and review of parking regulations are discussed at monthly meetings and determinations are made as required.
The Traffic Commission is appointed annually by the Mayor and ratified by the Board of Trustees. The Commission is comprised of one Trustee from each of the four sections of the Village, who are voting members. The Superintendent of Public Works and Chairman of the Board of Police Commissioners act in a supporting role.
Architectural Design Review Board
This Board examines the exterior design of buildings for the purpose of maintaining appropriate standards of appearance with respect to the specific buildings and their relationship to their surroundings. All plans for new buildings, additions, alterations and signs are required to be submitted, with the exception of additions or alterations to one-family homes. The submission deadline for the Architectural Design Review Board is the last day of the previous month.
Zoning Board of Appeals
This Board interprets the Zoning Code and makes decisions on applications for variances and special permits. The submission deadline for the Zoning Board of Appeals is the last day of the month two months or more prior to the scheduled hearing dates. Hearing dates depend on caseload and are not guaranteed.
The Board consists of five members and one alternate member, who serve for five-year terms.
Estates Resident Member: Michael T. Schroder (Chairman)
Planning Commission
The Commission reviews plans for the development of vacant areas, streets, parks, and other public places, and subdivisions of private property to assure consistency with established community standards.
With the exception of a one-family dwelling on a single plot, the Planning Commission also performs site plan reviews for all new buildings, additions to buildings, altered land use activities, and projects containing more than one home.
The Commission also conducts studies and is advisory to the Board of Trustees on matters relating to zoning, parking, and other issues. The submission deadline for the Planning Commission is the last day of the previous month.
This seven-member Commission is appointed for terms of three years.
Estates Resident Member: Paul Rothenbiller